Lent 2017 Giveaway!

Many mothers face difficulty with taking a moment out of their busy lives to care for themselves. Often times, we are the first person our husbands and our children seek out when a crisis is brewing. We have a tendency to overlook our needs – physically, mentally, and spiritually.

Yet, much like the instructions on an airplane, warning, “Those traveling with small children, please be sure to put on your oxygen mask before placing your child’s on them,” so too do we need to remember to put on our own spiritual oxygen mask, before we can properly assist our own family members.

Lent is fast approaching, and is a penitential season in the Catholic Church. It always begins on Ash Wednesday (this year, the 1st of March), and is a time where we focus on preparing our hearts and homes for the death of Jesus on the Cross at Calvary, the period of emptiness after His death, and then His triumphant Resurrection.

Lent is a time in which we are called to walk with Christ as we prepare for His Passion and Suffering, which He willingly endured for our sins and our salvation. 

The Zelie Group contributing bloggers are dedicated to providing avenues of awareness for the importance of self-care – physically, emotionally, and spiritually – that often get overlooked as we carry about our tasks as wives and mothers. Therefore, after a significant amount of consideration, we put together a bundle of spiritual-based goodies, geared to enhance one lucky reader’s Lent.

the-zelie-group-lent-2017-giveaway-2Several of our contributing bloggers reviewed a copy of the book, Walk in Her Sandals. Every single reviewer of the book found something relatable in the pages – it was a book which transcended ages of readers, their walks of life, and their individual faith journeys. To check out the reviews of almost a dozen different bloggers, click the picture below.


Matthew Kelly’s latest book, Resisting Happiness, is another title making its rounds in Catholic faith-studies today. Author of Rediscover Catholicism, and Rediscover Jesus, Mr. Kelly’s latest book challenges its readers to tackle their own obstacles of obtaining happiness, and asserts our focus should be on the One who will truly make us happy – God, and our relationship with Our Father.

Many of the faithful readers of The Zelie Group are mothers, and we all know, no matter what our ages of children, teaching children prayers can be tough! Therefore, we have two prayer books designed to encourage our children to say their prayers, to foster and nurture a relationship with God, and to also perhaps jog our own memories of prayers we may have forgotten throughout the years.

The Zelie Group’s giveaway wouldn’t be complete without some items to help recharge our own spiritual and emotional batteries as well! Since Lent is a time in which many of us give up tasty treats, chocolate, and more edible sorts of gifts, we decided to focus on gifting self-care items such as individualized scented soaps from Monastery Creations, a candle, and a Rosary. Perhaps, at the end of a long, tough day, the last three items in the giveaway will allow one lady to sit down, relax, pamper herself, and contemplate the Mysteries of Mommy Mary’s Rosary.

The Zelie Group hopes this giveaway allows one reader to have a spiritually refreshed, reflective, and rejuvenating Lent.

Tell us in the comments below, what are your plans to focus on your spiritual life this Lent, as you also prepare your hearts, homes, and families for the Lenten season?

And, be sure to click the Rafflecopter link below for a chance to enter our drawing for this fabulous giveaway:

The Zelie Group Lent 2017 Rafflecopter Giveaway

The drawing will be held on Friday, 24 February, to ship on Monday, 27 February!

22 thoughts on “Lent 2017 Giveaway!

  1. Kathleen

    I will be taking more time to focus on praying the Rosary! And I want to learn more about meditation and mindfulness — have been in a crazy place for a while and I need to bring myself back to center now that life is normalizing for us! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Completely understandable – those are some fantastic goals for this Lent! I’ve always felt I am doing better when I “add” something spiritually based, rather than just giving something up. And, I’ve felt quite awesome when I both give something up, AND add something!

      I hope you’ll be able to focus on the Rosary with the new one on this giveaway! (Also, have you tried to meditate after Rosary recitation? The Rosary should, hopefully, barring children running around, center, relax, and get one into a meditative-like state…)


  2. This year for Lent I want to attend the Stations of the Cross every week and go to adoration at least once. I want to do other things too, but I have a tendency to overdo Lent and then fail, so I’ll just start with that for now!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Veiling is such a beautiful devotion – I have been veiling just over a year, and truly enjoy it! It can be such a rewarding devotion – if you haven’t already, search FB for Catholic Women Veiling Devotion, and see which groups come up for that. It’s great when ladies have support when starting out.

      I look forward to hearing how the Blessed Is She journal works, since I’ve heard of, and know, several people who are doing that activity.

      Thanks for stopping by!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. everydaythoughtsbybrittany

    This Lent I’m going to try to work on my quiet spiritual time – I’d like to add more intentional and planned prayer to my life with the possibility of increased time journalling and I plan on reading Scripture daily – starting with the Gospels.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I am focusing on the resources God has already provided: a book of Lenten Meditations from my MIL; an online BIble study to which I subscribe; a new Bible that was a birthday gift; the plethora of decluttering plans I’ve downloaded (working them one at a time!); and going off FB for the 6 weeks. I hope this will enrich my quiet time while quieting my home, mind, and spirit.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Off FB for 6 weeks?! Intense!! But, it sounds like your Lent will be an enriching one. I think we always get out of whatever we put in – so, I hope you do get everything out of it you are able!


  5. Kandle

    I am going to work on being with my husband more. That means no FB for lent, no phone out when he is home, and waking up with him ( by far the hardest). In this stage of life, we both work full time (him during the day, me at night), and homeschool our five kids. We need to make our marriage as strong as can be, and this includes praying together every night.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I have started lessening my time on my phone when my husband gets home from work. So difficult sometimes!

      I am amazed you work full-time at night and homeschool – when do you sleep?!

      I agree – making marriages strong is a huge priority. I sadly feel that priority is often overlooked, and I know it can be so difficult to put on the front burner, but I, too, am trying to be better about nurturing that commitment as my vocation and the Sacramental union.


  6. Amy Ferguson

    I have been praying and listening about what I am feeling called to do this Lent to help me get the most out of it. So many times, I mean to do this and then realize that it is Ash wednesdag already and I just choose something on the spot. This year, I am truly focused on discerning what to give up and what spiritual practices to add to enrich my Lenten journey and help me grow closer to God through it all. I think I am going to limit what I drink to only water. I realize that in some countries, water is a luxury and yet I don’t think about that when I pour a half finished bottle of it down the drain. I also plan to attend mass during the week when able, as well as Eucharistic adoration. I have also already been making lists of spiritual books I plan to read when I normally would be using an electronic device or watching tv.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Those are beautiful goals!! I certainly hope you have entered the raffle, since many of our prizes are geared for many of your goals.

      And, you are so correct – it’s super easy to overlook our “normal everyday things” (like water), and forget they are luxuries for others.

      Prayers your Lent will be spiritually enhancing!


  7. Stephanie

    I plan on keeping a prayer journal. I’m going through RCIA this year and want to remember this very special time. My boys are 3 and 1.5 so they’re just starting to understand so lots of prayer happening in our house and I’m trying to help the learn the Rosary, well my 3 yo 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. This is great!! (And, if your 3 year old is like my now-4 year old, don’t be discouraged if he doesn’t seem to care about the Rosary; just hearing *you* say it out loud, he will learn the prayers…)

      Congratulations on going through RCIA! Keeping a prayer journal will hopefully help you enhance your spiritual journey, and, who knows? Maybe it will be also be something you can share with your boys when they get considerably older… 🤔😊


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